

Cerro Castor, 26 kilometers northeast of Ushuaia, in the extreme south of Argentine Patagonia, is the most modern ski resort in Argentina. Most winter sports enthusiasts arrive in Ushuaia on a 3 hour 30-minute flight from Buenos Aires. Fans generally base themselves in Ushuaia, a lively city, and then drive daily for a few kilometers […]

Ushuaia: past and present Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world: 54 ° 46 ‘South. The capital of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, represents the true End of the World, the last extremity of South America. The explorer Fernando Magellano, on an expedition for the crown Spanish, was the first to arrive here in 1520, noticing […]

The onsen originally Spas in Japan were not created for charitable or rehabilitative purposes, but as public baths, since not every home had a place to wash. The word Onsen in the language means thermal spring, and today they indicate the pools of thermal water that the volcanoes generate in all the islands of the […]

The peninsula of Shiretoko, in the extreme north of the island of Hokkaido, the northernmost of the Japanese, juts out into the icy Sea of Okhotsk; it is the last unexplored region of Japan, covered with virgin forests inhabited by splendid terrestrial fauna and by sea eagles and cormorants. The very name of the Peninsula […]

The abundance of snow, recorded annually between 9 and 15 meters, in the island of Hokkaido and the Nagano area of the island of Honshu, make Japan an ideal destination for practicing all types of winter sports, with Freeride on all. . In the two regions mentioned there are most of the country’s ski resorts, […]

Whistler, a super-renowned Canadian ski resort, has numerous peculiarities such as ski slopes suitable for all levels, après ski nightlife, the Winter Olympics hosted in 2010, but above all the mountain conformation. The latter is absolutely unique: since 1997, finally, the two mountains Whistler Mountain and Blackcomb Mountain have merged under a single ski administration. […]

The assignment to the city of Vancouver Undoubtedly, the 2010 Winter Olympics, assigned to the city of Vancouver, led Whistler and all the other locations involved to the definitive international consecration. Having chosen a Canadian city for the third time, after Montrèal ’76 and Calgary ’88, Vancouver definitely did not disappoint any kind of expectation. […]

Whistler is globally recognized as the best destination in North America for winter sports. It is topping the bucket list of millions of tourists is not only due to its snow infrastructure. Its position, the composition of the slopes themselves, the surrounding nature, the alternative activities, and the après ski life are just some of […]

Whistler Blackcomb Ski Area, 100km north of Vancouver, British Columbia, is a world-famous Canadian ski area, constantly besieged by winter sports enthusiasts. For skiing and snowboarding, there is 200 km of slopes and 50 km of ski routes available. 23 lifts transport skiers. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of 675 and […]

Today’s characteristics of the Arlberg The Arlberg ski area is today one of the largest in the world, with an average snowfall of 9 meters per year and the possibility of skiing until the end of spring. The territories of the Arlberg between 1300 and 2800 meters host the fifth-largest winter sports area in the […]

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